Dark and Stormy

“It was a dark and stormy night…”

Damn. That’s not right.

“It was a dark and stormy morning…”


I awoke to find that the heavens had given up the ghost and emptied the left over bath water from an exceptionally dry and muggy summer. As I considered whether or not it was even worth bothering with an umbrella I discovered a glaring red icon on my Mac desktop. I had an email.

Nothing all that new in that (although I don’t usually get that much mail), however, the fact that it was within my writing account suggested that someone was contacting me with regards this blog or possibly my manuscript submission.

Bleary eyed (it was dark and stormy after all), I clicked on the red stamp and watched as the screen went through the motions of revealing my mail. I sat there for a moment as I recognised the email address of the sender. It was from the literary agent that I had recently submitted my work to. As the arrow glided steadily across the screen I saw the beginnings of the response and new immediately that Halloween had arrived a week earlier this year.

It is akin to that moment of sudden and deathly clarity when you realise that standing just beyond the slightly ajar door is the machete-wielding maniac. The film is only half-way through and you know that means you haven’t got a hope in hell of surviving until the credits roll. That ticket is solely reserved for the hero/heroine of the movie and you definitely aren’t it.

The agent’s response, or rather that of her personal assistant, was short and sweet. My submission had been read but they did not wish to pursue it any further. Thank you and goodnight.

It happens. That is my third rejection to date. I shall send it out again, although I am having alternative thoughts. There is the possibility that I will need to consider rewriting it and have the story told in one, stand-alone, volume. It may well be the fact that the book is only the first of three that is getting it rejected. On the other hand, perhaps I need to reject the build up I had crafted and jump straight into the action from the get go. Another possibility is that the story or work itself is just plain rubbish.

It would be nice to have a measure of feedback, however negative it might be. Whether one buys into the criticism is up to them, but it would be nice to have a viewpoint from inside the industry to consider. I responded politely and briefly with a one-sentence question but have not received a reply. I probably won’t in all honesty.

My other thought has been to possibly let the novel rest for now and concentrate on another work of fiction that I have started. This would be a single volume story of around 50,000-65,000 words that would fit within the boundaries of publication. Perhaps I need to get my foot in the door with something else first and then look at getting my larger work published once I have someone willing to believe in my ability.

Hmm. I think the lurker behind the door is getting somewhat restless. I should just get it over with and throw open the door for them. Of course, it is important to appear surprised on such occasions.

Pleasant nightmares and have a delightfully terrifying All-Hallow’s Eve!

In the Beginning

I was busy over the weekend and so I was unable to go ahead with my plan to post the first chapter of my novel, “Throne of Ice”. However, I shall endeavour to do so sometime this week.

In the meantime, here is the opening passage to the novel. Let me know what you think.


– An excerpt from “Throne of Ice” –

Voices raised in anger echoed through the stone hallway as the old Niar marched along its shadows, a polished helm tucked under one arm. Sir Anack Bladethorn, Knight-Elder of the Doom Watch, had heard such voices raised many times before as he had walked along the Order’s plain stone corridors, but never could he recall the feelings of dread that clutched at his heart now.

The Game

It’s been a busy summer all in all.

Spain, Korea, China… back to Korea again. In between all of the travelling I’ve been working (to pay for it all) and becoming involved in something altogether unexpected. The one thing that hasn’t happened, however, is getting anywhere with publishing my novel.

As of this writing, all attempts have thus far met with refusals. I have just had another submission sent out to a literary agent based in the UK and so, once again, I roll the dice, sit back, and wait to see what happens next. Will I land on a ladder, or is it that humungous snake that lets you slide on back to the beginning once more?

At present, my novel (along with a few short stories) are being translated into Chinese where I understand there is a strong market for fiction, especially fantasy. I may decide to take a rather unorthodox route to publication and see if I can get my novel done there first before actually reaching print in the language it was originally written in. Odd, I know, but one must do what one must in order to realise one’s dreams…

Also, I have recently decided to post the first chapter of my novel, “Throne of Ice”, here for people to download and read. I hope that, in doing so, I may be able to generate some attention along with some comments, be they positive or negative. Keep checking the blog over the weekend.


The Literary Agent

It has been a while since I added anything to the blog. The reason being, quite simply, that there is nothing new to tell. I have since sent the first three chapters of my manuscript to a literary agent in the UK and currently await a response from them. At present there are around 43 more days remaining before that potential avenue becomes a dead-end, at which point the search for publication shall begin anew.

Of course, nothing has yet been returned via the s.a.s.e that was included which could mean that it is still being considered. Of course, that is the optimistic view. The other possibilities being that it has been lost or that they just haven’t started reading it as of yet. Perhaps it was never even opened. Hopefully, that hasn’t been the case.

What have I been doing in the past month or so? Well, not all that much really. I have mostly been continuing to edit my way through my old short stories, some of which are a good 8-10 years old now. One in particular, entitled “Bump in the Night”, really has caught my interest. It is really quite enjoyable to read even if I do say so myself! I am toying with the idea of possibly adding to it in order to make it into a full-length novel (around 50,000 words or so – at present it is only around 10,000 in length). The story itself revolves around three ghosts, one of which feels out of place in this modern world in which we live and is slowly fading away into oblivion.

I have written a new short story as well, entitled “Black Rain”. It is a twisted and peculiar tale; quite a dark one too! I certainly will not be posting any excerpts here! Needless to say, I am not the character in the book (I never am), nor do I engage in any of the acts/interests within the story. They are simply things that I’ve picked up as I’ve gone through life from some of the people around me and from afar, all of which are then thrown into the mix with a spoonful of imagination. Some people still get the wrong idea however… <sigh>

The short story that I wrote last Christmas, “How to Cook Rainbow Fish”, was recently used by the friend I had written it for in an arts project at university. The story was adapted and altered to fit a film short that she used for a class presentation. She played all the characters in the story, barring a short appearance by myself. It certainly isn’t going to get nominated for anything (it was a silent film too) but it was nice that she chose to use it in such a way (even if parts of it were changed). I am thinking of posting the original story on the blog at some point for others to have a read of. It is very short indeed and was written specifically with someone in mind so it might seem a little odd for other readers. Still, feel free to criticise away when it’s up!

Well, that is all for now. Hopefully in the days and weeks to follow I will be able to add something of more interest to anyone out there that might still pass by these pages from time to time. Perhaps it will be news of that book deal that I so long for…


A Blank

Happy New Year… or maybe not.

No news from MacMillan and today is the last day. That means either my submission was overlooked, misplaced, or just deemed too terrible for human eyes! Ah well… never mind.

I have been toying with the idea of adding an extra chapter to the end of the first book, an epilogue of sorts. Perhaps the story ends a little too sharply, but then it is intended as being a trilogy. It could even be that which is the problem, since the ‘whole’ story is incomplete as such. Hmm.

With my move complete and the “1212 Project” wound up, I will now turn my attention towards finding wither another publisher or returning to my original plan of obtaining the services of an agent (if one is interested in my book!).

I should get started on that asap.

A New Project

Still nothing regarding my submission to MacMillan. Of course, there is still a long way to go yet and in all honesty it may very well end up without any response at all. What that might suggest could be anything and so it is not even worth dwelling upon. I think, however, that if nothing comes of this first attempt I may return to my original plan of finding an agent. That could prove better in the long run.

No real plans for Christmas this year. In fact, it seems likely to be a rather lonely and boring one at best. Last Christmas wasn’t much better. I have done a little bit of editing here and there but I have recently stumbled upon a new project that is going to keep me occupied for the next month or so. In which case I will take a break from editing and writing until such time as said project has been completed.

The project itself came somewhat out of the blue in conjunction with my decision to move apartment. Me and a friend (whose artwork I previously promoted within these pages) have decided to build our own gallery/workspace which we will then open to the public, perhaps in some form of ‘bar’ too. I must admit, the project has me very excited indeed since it will prove an adequate challenge and perhaps conjure up a whole host of fresh ideas for stories in the process. While I will do the majority of the manual labour (albeit helped whenever possible by my friend), the artwork/decoration shall fall upon her shoulders. We have talked about working on a project for sometime now and while this wasn’t what we had in mind then it is peculiar how fate can take a hand in things.

I will not record the details of the “1212” project within these pages since this is solely for my writing. However, I shall create a new blog/record of what we are doing at our new place so that anyone wishing to see how we built may do so. Indeed, if you happen to live in the Busan area then feel free to drop on by once we have it completed!


The End of a Novel

It’s been a tough few weeks… months… all in all. Despite this I have managed to keep focused upon my writing. Much of this has been largely do to a positive influence that recently entered into my life. I am both fortunate and thankful of that friendship. It saw me through to the end.

Yes, that is correct. The end. I have finished my book.

I have not been writing much upon these pages of late simply because I have not spared myself the time to do so. I have completed the editing process (well, the second draft anyway) and I happy with what I have now. Of course, it will likely see modifications before it goes to print (whenever and if ever that happens) but for now, that is it.

I finished the book on Saturday, September 22nd, 2007, sometime just before six o’clock in the evening. I was sat upon the third floor of Starbucks in Gwangan, Busan. The book, still roughly entitled, “Throne of Ice“, comprises some thirty-four chapters spread over five hundred and ninety three pages (179,262 words). This is the first book of what will be a trilogy.

I have already written a large part of the second book, perhaps some twelve to fifteen chapters in all, including the ending. The third book remains in synopsis. Hopefully, this will stand me in good stead for seeking out a literary agent or publisher. That is certainly the point at which I now find myself and which this blog will now focus upon. The search for the holy-grail of print!

Copyright © Crispian Thurlborn 2006 - 2014Primarily, I will be looking to be taken on by an agent as this seems to make much more sense considering my lack of experience in the industry and the inconvenient location where I presently reside. Therefore, in the upcoming weeks, months, years I shall be hopefully getting closer to publishing my work.

I have to say though, I feel a little empty now that I have finished the book. Six years of sitting in coffee shops, stairwells, subways, bars scratching the words to the story had consumed much of my free time in many ways. Now I have this… void. A friend of mine suggested that it maybe because the actual story remains unfinished. I hadn’t thought of that. The more I do, however, the more it starts to make sense. I have only finished the first book in a larger story and so the feeling remains ultimately very different from what I have felt before when completing my short stories.

That is an aspect that I am looking forward to getting back to now that my book is finished. I have a collection of ideas for some short stories that I want to write and now have the freedom to do so. First, however, I shall need to edit the ones that I have already finished! Ha! Still, that is not going to take too long. It will also be a nice change of pace to write some things other than pure fantasy as well! There is also the possibility of working with someone on a future project. They, as I have already said, have already helped me in getting on and finishing my book and so it would be a great pleasure to work with them on something. They really are a fantastic artist, true talent that comes from the heart and which cannot be learned. I don’t just say that either! During my time in looking for people who are good at art (and I know a fair few who are very good indeed), this is first time that I can truly say that I was left open-mouthed with awe at what they are capable of doing. It seems almost criminal that they do not have anything out there in the public. They really should and I have no doubts that one day they shall.

So, what am I doing now?

Well, I am actually editing a short story I once wrote entitled, “The Painting“. I tried to write it in a similar style to that used by Edgar Allan Poe. In some ways, the story has a similar theme to that of Oscar Wilde’s, “The Picture of Dorian Gray“(1890), but it is not identical. Anyway, that is what I am doing at present. I’ll probably get that done tonight and then edit another short story (another tale of terror). In fact, I have enough of the scary tales to put together into a short book I suppose. I recently finished editing an earlier story (“Strands of Silver“) that is basically a tale of love between a spider and a ladybird.

Of course, while I am doing this I am looking for an agent too. I could get started on the second book I suppose, but I feel that I need to take a short break from that. I would also like to get some feedback/progress on the first book before I take up the quill and carry that story on.

I will, of course, keep you updated on any progress that I make along with news of any short stories I write in the meantime.


Aurora Musis Amica

I am on vacation this week… nine whole days (including the weekends) where I can get on with editing the second draft of my book. I have been vigourous in my application, starting early each day and forgoing lunch so that I might get through as much as possible in the days gifted to me. Dawn is my friend in this endeavour it seems for I have been furiously productive. I have made a great many corrections and updates as I burn through the early chapters. At present, I am about halfway through.

In all honesty, if I was not working and could maintain the level of productivity that currently courses through me, then I could actually give a final completion date. In such a situation it would be twenty five days. Of course, when my vacation ends I shall have to return to work and so my muse shall sit at home and wait (probably playing Space Hulk or Talisman) until I return to pick up the quill once more. I can therefore not provide a true date as to when I will be finished… it may be in two months time… it may be three. It will not be more than four. Every day is closer than ever before and every sunrise brings with it renewed conviction and determination.

I finished editing one of the early chapters a few days ago that dealt with Sir Duras and his wife. While this will sound extremely egotistical, I was quite astounded by what I read! What I mean by that is, I started to doubt that I had actually managed to write such a piece… it sent a shiver down my spine to reread it once more. Perhaps it was just because the pace was different from the other parts I had been dealing with of late, or maybe it is because I know what fate has in store for them both… either way I enjoyed it… and I hope that one day you will too.

Thank you.


Well, progress on the corrections has been going better than expected. I had thought it might take longer but I have had a wave of success just recently and I am flying through the chapters in question. As expected, however, there have been a few changes that I have made along the way. This was unavoidable and so in many ways this has become a 2nd draft of sorts. With each chapter done and dusted it is being filed away as being ‘complete’. When all are in I shall piece them together and see what I have. The prospect is quite exciting but I must not let that get in the way and allow haste to let slip uncorrected errors.

While at work, I have been busily making the old, yet superb, game of Talisman so that I can play it with some of my students! I remember playing this with some friends a long (long) time ago and now I regret never picking it up whenever I visited the game shop in town. Back then, it always sat forlornly upon the shelf gathering dust… now it sells for ridiculous prices on eBay! I had thought of purchasing it until I saw some of the prices and so I decided to make it myself during my lunch breaks at work since I had both the time and the resources available to me.

Copyright © Crispian Thurlborn 2006 - 2014After three weeks (my lunch breaks vary in length), this is what I ended up with. The game itself is a more portable version of the original Talisman game (a project which I will undertake in a few months time) known as ‘Talisman Journey’ (adapted by Djeryv Tar). The main material I used for the project was simple A4 paper that I then laminated (after cutting) so as to toughen the cards up and yet still keep them light (as opposed to thicker card that I will use for the ‘full’ Talisman). The packets holding the Strength, Craft, Life, and Gold tokens were made from card and cut with a foldable flap to prevent anything from falling out. The only materials that were bought were the box, the die, and the small plastic counters (very cheap – less than 10p each!). The plasticCopyright © Crispian Thurlborn 2006 - 2014 ‘counters’ were a bonus since I was going to use coloured stones or ‘converted’ push-pins. What is more, the plastic counters also have small magnets set into their bases which makes the game quite secure when played ‘on the road’. The pouch I made from felt which I then threaded with string. The picture on the front of the box was downloaded from the internet, edited (so at the base it reads: “Journey Edition”), and then laminated before finally being sealed onto the lid with melt-glue.

If you too would like have a go at making this classic game then head over to Talisman Island. There you will find everything you need with which to make your own portable version of Talisman or the larger version along with all of the expansions that were released for it. Simply visit the aforementioned site, click on ‘Resources’ and then on ‘Downloads’. There you will find links to the zip files containing all the materials for you to print (Tal-Is-Poor & Talisman Journey). It does take a fair amount of patience and time but the end result is well worth it.
