A Bump in the Night – book release

After much ado, I can finally say that A Bump in the Night is now available!

So… what’s it about?

Despite the title, A Bump in the Night is not a horror story. It’s not going to scare you (it really isn’t – but it might make you laugh). It is not even a ghost story, but rather a story about ghosts and death…

“Being dead can be hard.

In the past, it was all rattling chains and white sheets. Now, it is all mortgages and unpaid bills.

Mr Snaggle and Mr Snuffle, Arbitrators for the Quick and the Dead, find themselves coming to the aid of an old friend, Mr Bump, formerly known as Mr Grym, Lurker-under-the-Bed-and-Frequenter-of-Wardrobes (or just Charon to his close friends).

Together, they must come up with a plan to prevent Mr Bump from fading. Of course, a cunning plan is never easy to come up with, but with the help of a few beers, a young girl, and an unfortunate victim, they might just pull it off… or will they?

Not everything that goes bump in the night is the stuff of nightmare… sometimes, the dead have nightmares themselves!”

I originally wrote A Bump in the Night back in 2000 for a UK-based magazine. The magazine was going to print the novella in 3-parts but then passed it up for something else and so the story ended up in the rejected pile at the bottom of my drawer. Until now. Continue reading “A Bump in the Night – book release”

A Bump in the Night – cover reveal

Good things come to those that wait… or so I’m told. If so, there is a rather large van speeding its way towards me as I write with a logo plastered on the side displaying the words ‘Good Things’. Of course, the driver has never heard of GPS, Google Maps, or even roadmaps in general. They will drive said van stuffed with good things around the countryside, eyes locked upon the road, looking for something that resembles a giant letter ‘B’ (having already confirmed the existence of ‘A’ at the coffee machine back at the depot).

Yes, I’m still kicking my heels as I wait for things to arrive. I’m starting to wonder if G.R.R. Martin has taken on a part-time job as a courier agent in between writing the next sentence for Game of Thrones.

In the meantime… here’s the cover for my ‘soon-to-be-released’ novella – A Bump in the Night


"A Bump in the Night" by Crispian Thurlborn

A Bump in the Night – coming to stores… almost, nearly, perhaps, in this lifetime…