Exit… Signs

Here’s the Pinterest board for Exit

As always, whenever I stumble across an image that appeals to the story that I’m currently writing, I pin it to a board. I don’t always bother editing the tags… that’s too much bother. I really only care about the visual and the inspiration that it provides.

The image I used for the cover is not there this time. I found that whilst rummaging around on the internet for someone else. I saw it. It saw me.

The images I’m using for the paperback cover are not on the board either. Again, the base image was one that I found some time ago before I had even decided to write the story. I filed it away as I knew I’d have a use for it one day. The other image -Tommy’s face- are photos provided by a friend and so I didn’t want to make them public at this time.

EXIT is available at Amazon, iBooks, Kobo, Google Play, and Barnes & Noble

>Enter PIN< …01134

I thought I had posted this last year. Then I remembered I hadn’t. Then I forgot. Again. Then I remembered. Again.

So… here is the Pinterest board for 01134. A few images that I stumbled across when I was writing the story and then again when I was making the trailer. The original image that I found for the cover is in there, too. I remember mocking up a cover sometime around midnight whilst sat in a bar in Osaka. For those interested, the bar is called Midian… and it is quite perfect.

Whilst I couldn’t use that image it did inspire me. That, in turn, led to the final cover and video being as they were.

01134 is available at Amazon, iBooks, Kobo, Google Play, and Barnes & Noble


Pins in the Night – Inspirational Pins for “A Bump in the Night”

Short and sweet. I like Pinterest. Having somewhere I can keep track of all the images I stumble across that serve as inspiration is great. In some cases, it’s not so much that a particular image inspires, but rather it realises the thoughts I already had in my head.

So, here is my Pinterest board for my recent novella, A Bump in the Night. A few images that I created and uploaded or those that I pulled from the dark waters of the internet as I trawled its river on Mr Bump’s old skiff.


A Bump in the Night is now available in ebook and print via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and iBooks. The paperback can also be purchased via the Wyldwood Books eStore.